Girl Urged Take Pride In Menstruation And Focus on Their Education
Roberta Donkor, Manageress of Amenuveve SIV Organization, has encouraged girls not to feel ashamed of menstruation, describing it as a symbol of womanhood.
Ms. Donkor, drawing from her personal experiences, recounted how her mother guided her through her first menstrual cycle and urged the girls to confidently approach their parents or female teachers with any concern about their sexual and reproductive health.
During the session, Ms. Donkor emphasized the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene, especially during menstruation, to ensure a healthy and productive life. In an interactive segment, the girls were asked questions about their reproductive health rights and given the opportunity to inquire about topics they were curious about. They were also educated on proper hygiene practices sush as bathing at least twice a day, changing menstrual pads regularly based on flow, and recognizing pre-menstrual syndromes to prepare for their cycle.
Madam Ivy Bedy, an advisory board member at Volta Pad, a producer of reusable sanitary pads, also spoke to the girls. She stressed the importance of focusing on their studies and avoiding unhealthy behaviors, such as engaging in early sexual activity, which could lead to unintended pregnancies and distract them from academic goals.
Tying into this years theme, “Girls Vision for the Future”, Madam Bedy highlighted global efforts to create opportunities for girls, including the signing of the Affirmative Action Bill in Ghana. She encouraged girls to take their education seriously, assuring them that these initiatives provide significant opportunities for their future success.
However, she also offered guidance to those already facing pregnancy, advising them not to see it as the end of their educational journey or resort to unsafe abortions. She encouranged them to seek support and counselors, they can still complete their education.
During an interview, Judith Mortey, the Girl Child Coordinator of Adaklu Kpodzi E.P. Junior High School, revealed that many girls face challenges, particularly the lack of access to menstrual pads, which forces some to resort to using tissue paper or other unsafe materials. She added that this problem, combined with the inability of some parents to adequately provide for their daughters, has contributed to the rise in teenage pregnancies with the community.
Ms. Mortey appealed to stakeholders and organizations to provide resources like menstrual pads and school supplies to help alleviate these challenges.
One of the students, fortunately, took the opportunity to advocate to donations of Volta Pad to the girls in her school, so they can better manage their menstruation.